Lactation Support
My Offerings:
What to expect: Newborns & Early Postpartum
Mini-Course on feeding basics, body mechanics of nursing, and what is normal for the first couple months. We go over what to expect as far as first latch at your place of birth, as well as supply, scheduling, and all the how-to's. This can be done in-person or online, your choice!
Colostrum Collection Session
This in-person offering is focused on learning how to do hand expression, and, if we can, collecting some liquid gold for your baby. I bring syringes and storage bags, and you bring your body. We get some hands-on comfortability, as well as stored milk!
Note: This only offered at 37+ weeks of pregnancy for you and baby's safety.
First Days Home
When you are home from the hospital, or on your own after a birth center or home-birth, sometimes it is hard to figure out how to latch your tiny baby! This visit is a full 3 hours (sometimes more. Where we walk through a few feedings together, can talk hand expression, pumping, nipple care, and more. This is often taken advantage of in the first few days, or when the first feeding trickiness starts to happen, which is usually within the first few weeks.
Road Bump Navigation
After you feel more settled into baby-life, things can still come up! I offer 1-2hr visits to troubleshoot simple problems such as bottle introduction, supply adjustment, latch help, and weaning. Any time along your nursing journey, I am here as a helping hand to guide you either into a place where you feel all is well, or alternatively guide you into higher level lactation/medical support.
About Me:
As a Certified Lactation Educator, and one of my passions is giving families the support they deserve to achieve their feeding goals. Nursing is HARD, and there is a huge learning curve both for parents and babies. Using your body to feed your baby may seem like the most natural thing in the world, but for many it takes a lot more than expected. By providing both hands-on and informational support, we can work together to figure out what strategies work best for your family, and set you and your baby up for success!
What to expect: Newborns & Early Postpartum...
Colostrum Collection Session...
First Days Home...
Road Bump Navigation...